Comb Ridge and Abajos in Warm Twilight Large

Grand Opening Celebration of the Bluff River Trail

Grand Opening Celebration of the Bluff River Trail

Join us for the Grand Opening Celebration of the Bluff River Trail in Bluff, Utah! 

This new section of trail runs along one of Sand Island’s petroglyph panels, which holds immense significance for many of the area’s Tribes. Over several years, Tribal, agency, and non-governmental organizations collaborated together to improve cultural site conservation, interpretation, recreation accessibility, and education to protect this sacred site for generations to come.

The Upper Sand Island Petroglyph Panel is the only site in Bears Ears National Monument designed specifically to meet ADA standards, and hopefully the first of many. Visitors can now take advantage of a paved, six-foot wide trail that offers a viewing area of the panel, and four interpretive areas, including kiosks and signage with touch elements. There are two trail heads with ample parking space, making it easier to lessen the impact of visitation on this sacred site.

Sand Island Cactus Petros 2

We would like to thank the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Commission, Bears Ears Commission, Bureau of Land Management, Monticello Field Office Bluff River Trail Committee, World Monuments Fund, Butler Parklands, the State of Utah, Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation, Eccles Foundation, David Kelby Johnson Memorial Foundation, private individuals, and many more partners for helping to make this project possible!

Program for Friday, April 25

Grand Opening Celebration 

  • 1:30 pm
  • Sand Island Trailhead 

Speakers from the Bluff River Trail Committee, Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition, Bureau of Land Management, and Bears Ears Partnership will present about the significance of this project. Some chairs will be available. Guided walks are available before and after the event. 

Guided Trail Walks:

Bring a snack and water.

  • 11:30 AM and again directly after the 1:30 PM program: Join our local experts for a small group guided walk tracing the base of a Navajo Sandstone cliff dense with rock imagery. (1 mile, Easy)
  • 12 PM: Walk to the 1:30 program from the Sand Island Bench Trail-head. This guided walk offers expansive views of the river corridor and Navajo Nation lands beyond. We drop down a slot canyon, including a climb down slick sandstone ledges and a ladder to the ADA trail. (1 mile, Challenging)  
  • 2:30 PM: After the formal celebration, walk the Bluff River Trail from the beginning of the ADA Trail at Sand Island, through a cottonwood bosque, up slick sandstone ledges and a ladder to the top of a slot canyon, through the San Juan River floodplain, and ending is Bluff Park in west Bluff. A shuttle will return you to Sand Island. Learn a lot about the area and the creation of the Bluff River trail. (3.5 miles, Challenging)

8:30 pm: Dark Sky Party at Sand Island Recreation Area, Group Site B, hosted by Bears Ears Partnership. More info here! 

Join us for other programs this weekend: 

Visit With Respect Ambassador Training 

Stewardship Day: Volunteer for cleanup and beautification projects in and around Bears Ears National Monument 



Event Information

Event Date 04-25-2025 1:30 pm