Comb Ridge and Abajos in Warm Twilight Large

Dark Sky Party

Dark Sky Party

Join us for a Dark Sky Party and enjoy Bluff’s spectacular dark skies! All experience levels welcome. We will provide several telescopes for you to use, and you are welcome to bring your own. BEP staff will share stargazing tips and point out celestial features. Please bring a red light and chair or blanket for sitting. 

Date: Friday, April 25

Time: 8:30pm until 10:30 ish 

Location: Sand Island, Group Campsite B

Thanks to support from Utah Arts and Museums, BEP will be hosting monthly star parties on each New Moon, in addition to other Dark Sky programming. Save the date for May 24, June 28, July 26, August 23, September 20,  October 18, November 22  – and stay tuned for future dark sky event announcements!

Event Information

Event Date 04-25-2025 8:30 pm