Tamara Wiggans Desrosiers, a long-time advocate for smarter public lands management, lived in Bluff, Utah for 27 years. She worked as a river guide for Wild Rivers Expeditions on the San Juan; she was a llama wrangler for Buckhorn Llamas in the canyons of Cedar Mesa; and she managed data for the BLM’s 5-year Comb Ridge Heritage Initiative Project contracted to archaeologist Winston Hurst from 2005-2010. She worked for Abajo Archaeology and the National Park Service for several seasons as an archaeological technician. She is familiar with the people, the players, and the stories of San Juan County, and has an enduring love for the landscape. She supports creative and inclusive solutions to the conflicts challenging public lands management, especially those to do with cultural resources and visitor impacts. She believes in more collaboration, communication and education to preserve the Bears Ears region and Mother Earth for future generations. Tamara has a BA in Journalism and is an artist, writer, occasional caterer and mom to Tanner. She is currently employed at The Journal newspaper, in Cortez, Colorado.