Hillary currently serves as a Co-Director of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition, a partner organization to Bears Ears Partnership. Her background is as an attorney (licensed in Utah) and legal scholar with two decades of experience in complex issues of federal land management, Tribal sovereignty and Tribal environmental governance, and natural and cultural resources protection. During the early years of her career, she represented several clients working on innovative natural resources protection models in Utah, including the Grand Canyon Trust and the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. More recently, as an academic, Hillary published a book on Indigenous cultural resources protection, A Third Way: Decolonizing the Laws of Indigenous Cultural Resources Protection, with Cambridge University Press (2020), along with several law review articles, Op-eds, and magazine articles related to protection of cultural resources on the Colorado Plateau. Finally, she has experience serving on nonprofit boards and other governance bodies, including the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs, the Sierra Club national litigation committee, the Association of American Law Schools Sections on Natural Resources and Energy Law and Indian Nations and Indigenous Peoples. In 2020, Hillary was elected to the American Law Institute.