We are so excited to announce that - thanks to the support of our amazing partners (that includes you!) we met our fundraising match, bringing in a total of $200,000 during our Year-End Campaign. Your gifts will allow us to carry this momentum forward into this new year.
From the upcoming Celebrate Bears Ears event to supporting Tribal leadership for Bears Ears National Monument and expanding our field program - 2024 is going to be a big year.
Keep reading to learn about our priority projects for 2024.
Supporting Tribal Leadership for Bears Ears National Monument
This year brings the release of the The Bureau of Land Management - Bears Ears National Monument Draft Management Plan (MMP). This plan guides how Bears Ears will be managed for the next 20-30 years. The draft MMP is an opportunity for BEP and the community to support Tribal leadership and the Earth-to-Sky approach, in co-management. Once the draft MMP is released, we will be sharing additional information for you to learn more about how to stay involved during this important time for Bears Ears!
Photo: Steven BurakMajor Program Growth: San Juan River Watershed Habitat Health
Improving the ecological health and climate resiliency of Bears Ears National Monument is one of our top priorities moving into 2024. BEP is pulling together a historic collaboration in the region to envision, plan and begin to implement broad scale habitat improvement and ecological restoration across the Bears Ears landscape and the San Juan River. BEP is working with agencies, Tribes, NGOs and local communities to create a 10 year vision for the Monument and surrounding landscape, in early 2024, with the goal of beginning our work by the fall.
Signature Site Project: Sand Island
Sand Island is both one of the most important sites in the Monument, as well one of the most heavily trafficked. With each year, we are seeing increased impacts to the site. In partnership with World Monuments Fund, BEP and our Tribal partners are continuing on the multi-year, million-dollar project to complete archaeological assessments, stabilization projects, and visitor readiness measures at the iconic Sand Island petroglyph panels.
Expanding the Bears Ears Education Center
In 2022, BEP purchased the property next door to the Bears Ears Education Center with big goals to support our growing staff, education, and volunteer programs. This fall, we’ve taken the first steps in establishing RV hookups for our long-term volunteers that we rely on to make our important programming possible. As we move into the next phase, we’ll be tearing down the old motel and creating employee housing and vital facilities to further support our field program and volunteers.